APL: Arm Pit Length Hair
BAA: Big Ass Afro
BC: Big Chop
BNC: Braid-N-Curl, just braid or plait your then curl the ends using rods or flexis
BSL: Bra Strap Length Hair
BSS: Beauty Supply Store
CBL: Collar Bone Length Hair
Cones: Are silicones, an ingredient in some hair products. This ingredient is not water soluble and leaves a film on the hair strands. When using products with cones one must use shampoo to get rid of the build up it causes.
Co-Wash: Using conditioner to wash your hair instead of shampoo
CG: Curly Girl
DT/DC: Deep Treatment/ Conditioner, DT is when you leave a moisturizing conditioner on your hair for an extended period of time with a heat source to aid in penetration,like a hooded dryer.
Dusting: trimming of 1/4 and inch or less. This method is also referred to as dusting because it is so little hair being removed so it just looks like dust on the floor.
EO: Essential Oil
EVCO: Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
EVOO: Extra Virgin Olive Oil
HG: Products that are tested and proven to be true
MBL: Mid Back Length
Nappyversary/Nattyversary: Anniversary of the day you became a natural
Oil Rinsing: Is a step that you do in between shampooing and conditioning. You add your favorite oil to wet strands and leave on for about 5 minutes. This step helps to detangle and adds extra moisture to the hair.
PJ: Product Junkie
Plopping: A quick dry method. You use a t-shirt, terry cloth towel, or paper towel to dry your hair instead of rubbing a towel on your hair to dry it. It drastically decreases drying times.
Pre-Pooing: treatment applied prior to shampooing which usually consists of oils and/or conditioners applied the night before the shampoo or immediately prior, with a heat source to help penetrate. This is usually performed to help the hair maintain necessary moisture during the drying shampoo process.
Regimen: Step by Step process of what products you use on your hair.
Sealing: For sealing to be effective, you must first use a water-based moisturizer (a conditioner or cream that has water as its first ingredient), and then seal with a butter or oil. This is essential for the ends.
S&D: Search and Destroy, once a month. Find good lighting and examine your ends...when you see split ends, snip them. You need to purchase good hair scissors and use them ONLY FOR HAIR TRIMS. You will do more damage to your hair using scissors that are dull.
Slip: Describes how slippery a product is, the more slip it has the better it will coat your hair and aid in detangling. Usually conditioners or detanglers.
Tea Tree Oil: Unclogs hair follicles which stimulates hair growth
TNC: Twist-N-Curl, twist the hair and roll the ends
Transitioning: Period of time since your last relaxer
TWA: Teeny Weeny Afro
Twist-Out: Two Strand Twist the hair, then let dry by air or sitting under a dryer. Untwist and style
Wash and Go: Simply co-wash your
hair, add a styler (gel, cream) and GO. You leave the hair to air dry or dry
with a diffuser. This is also seen as WnG, and W&G.
Protein Treatment:
Feel Free To Add To The List Ladies!!!
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